我们身处的谎言世界(The Lie We Live)——中文翻译台词

影片简介:《我们身处的谎言世界》(The Lie We Live)由上传者 Freshtastical 制作发布在YouTube,被译为28种语言,点击率达到八百多万次数。

我们身处的谎言世界(The Lie We Live)——中文翻译台词


At this moment you could be anywhere doing anything. Instead you sitalone before a screen, so what’s stopping us from what we are doing what we want?Being where we want to be?


Each day we wake up in the same room, and follow the same path, to livethe same day as yesterday. Yet at one time each day was a new adventure, alongthe way something changed, before our days were timeless. Now our days arescheduled.


Is this what it means to be grown up, to be free? But are we really free?


Food, water, land, the very elements we need to survive are owned by thecorporations. There is no food for us on trees, no fresh water in streams, noland to build a home.

食物、水、土地、矿产资源......我们所需要的生存元素都被大企业所垄断。树上没有食物, 河里没有清水,没有土地来建造家园。

If you try and take what the Earth provides, you’ll be locked away. So weobey their rules, we discover the world through a textbook. For years we sitand regurgitate what we’re told, tested and graded like subjects in a lab,raised not to make a difference in this world, raised to be no different, smartenough to do our job, but not to question why we do it.


So we work and work, left with no time to live the life we work for,until the day comes we are too old to do our job. It is here (tomb) we left todie. Our children take our places in the game.


To us our path is unique, but together we are nothing more than thefuel.The fuel that powers the elite. The elite who hide behind the logos ofcorporations. This is their world, and their most valuable resources are not inthe ground. It is us.


We built their cities, we ran their machines, we fight their wars.


After all money isn’t what drives them, it’s power. Money is the simplytool they use to control us. Worthless pieces of paper we depend on to feed us,move us, entertain us.They gave us money, and in return we give them the world.


我们身处的谎言世界(The Lie We Live)——中文翻译台词

Where there were that cleaned our air, are now factories that poisonit.Where there was water to drink, is toxic waste that stinks.Where animals ranfree, are factory farms where they are born and slaughtered endlessly for oursatisfaction.


Over a billion people are starving despite us having enough food foreverybody. Where does it all go? 70% of the grain we grow is fed to the animalsyou eat for dinner.


Why help the starving? You can’t profit off them,We are like a plaguesweeping the earth, tearing apart the very environment that allows us to live.We see everything as something to be sold, as an object to be owned.


But what happens when we have polluted the last river, poisoned the lastbreath of air, have no ail for the trucks that bring us our food? When will werealise money can’t be eaten, that it has no value?


We are not destroying the planet; we are destroying all life on it.


Every year thousands of species go extinct. And time is running outbefore we are next. If you live in America there is 41% chance you’ll getcancer. Heart disease will kill one of three Americans.


We take prescription drugs to deal with these problems. But medical careis the third leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease. We aretold everything can be solved by throwing money at scientists, so they candiscover a pill to make our problems go away. But the drug companies and cancersocieties rely on our suffering to make a profit.


We think we’re running for a cure, but really we are running away fromour cause. Our body is a product of what we consume, and the food we eat isdesigned purely for profit. We fill ourselves with toxic chemicals. The bodiesof animals infested with drugs and disease.But we don’t see this.The smallgroups of corporations that own the media don’t want us to.


Surrounding us with a fantasy we’re told is reality. It’s funny to thinkhuman once thought the earth was the center of the universe, but then again nowwe see ourselves are the center of the planet.


We point to the technology and say we are the smartest, but do ourcomputers, cars, and factories really illustrate how intelligent we are? Or dothey show how lazy we’ve become?


我们身处的谎言世界(The Lie We Live)——中文翻译台词

We put this civilized mask on, but when you strip that away, what are we?


How quickly we forget that only within the past 100 years did we allowwomen to vote, allow blacks to live as equals.


We act as if we’re all knowing beings, yet there’s much we fail to see.


We walk down the streets ignoring the little things, the eyes who stare,the stories they share. Seeing everything is a background to “me”.


Perhaps we fear that we are not alone, that we are a part of a muchbigger picture. But we fail to make a connection. We’re okay killing pigs,cows, chickens, strangers from foreign lands. But not our neighbors, not ourdogs, our cats, those we have come to love and understand.


We call other creatures stupid, yet we point to them to justify ouractions. But does killing simply because we can, because we always have make itright? Or does it show how little we have learned?


That we continue to act out of primal aggression, rather than thought andcompassion.


One day this sensation we call life will leave us. Our bodies will rot,our valuables recollected. Yesterday’s actions all that remain. Deathconstantly surrounds us, still it seems so distant from our everyday reality.


We live in a world on verge of collapse; the war of tomorrow will have nowinners. For violence will never be the answer, it will destroy every possiblesolution.


If we all look at our innermost desire, we will see our dreams are not sodifferent. We share a common goal: happiness. We tear the world apart lookingfor joy, without ever looking within ourselves. Many of the happiest people arethose who own the least. But are we really so happy with our iPhones, our bighouses, our fancy cars?


我们身处的谎言世界(The Lie We Live)——中文翻译台词

We’ve become disconnected; idolizing people we’ve never met.We witnessextraordinary on screens, but ordinary everywhere else.We wait for someone tobring change, without ever thinking of changing ourselves.


Presidential election might as well be a coin toss. It’s two sides of asame coin. We choose which face we want and the illusion of choice, of changingis created. But the world remains the same.

总统选举就像是抛硬币,不管那一面都是同一个硬币。我们选择自己想要的一面, 仿佛参与了某种改变和选择。但这个世界依旧一成不变。

We fall to realise that the politicians don’t serve us. They serve thosewho found them into power. We need leaders, not politicians. But in this worldof followers, we have forgotten to lead ourselves.


Stop waiting for change. And be the change you want to see.


We didn’t get this point by sitting on our asses. The human race survivednot because we are the fastest or strongest, but because we work together.We’ve mastered the act of killing. Now let’s master the joy of living.


This isn’t about saving the planet. The planet is being here whether weare or not. Earth has been around for billions of years, each of us will belucky to last eighty.We are a flash in time, but our impact is forever.


我们身处的谎言世界(The Lie We Live)——中文翻译台词

“I often wish I lived in an age before computers, whenwe didn’t have screens to distract us. But I realize there is one reason whythis is the only time I want to be alive. Because here today we have an opportunity we never had before.”


The internet gives us the power to share a message and unite millionsaround the world.“While we still can we must use our screens to bring us closertogether rather than further apart.”


For better or worse our generation will determine the future life on thisplanet. We can either continue to serve this system of destruction until nomemory of our existence remains. Or we can wake up. Realize we are not evolvingupwards but rather falling down.


We just have screens in our faces so we don’t see where we are heading.


This present moment is what every step, every breath, and every death hasled to. We are the faces of all who came before us.And now it’s our turn. Youcan choose to carve your own path, or follow the road countless others havealready taken.


Life is not a movie, the script isn’t already written.

We are the writers.This is your story, Their story, Our story.

